Economic, Regeneration Tourism and Transport  


Project Development Fund

Project Scoping & Budget Holder Approval Form




NYC Area Constituency Committee Name

Malton & Thirsk

Project Name

Malton and Norton Castlegate and Greenspaces

Description of Project Location

To commission further work to gather evidence of the need and economic impact that could be achieved through a programme of regeneration and provide a delivery plan.

NYC Division(s) in which the project is located

Malton and Norton

Project Lead Officer Details


Faye Snowden

Job Title

Regeneration Officer Malton & Thirsk







Please outline why the budget is required and what are the current barriers to project development it will help overcome?



In December 2023, a Project Briefing was approved by the Capital Board to complete a feasibility study and options appraisal that identified a number of potential options that could be achieved through a public realm and high street regeneration scheme for Castlegate, Malton and enhancements to the adjacent three areas of green space. This work built on a previous report that was funded by the LEP’s Local Growth Programme.


We then secured 20K SPF funding to finance the feasibility study. The study is now complete.


The resulting document provides a guide to further explore each project idea. The study considers each aspect, sets out the next steps towards delivery and provides a working tool to support ongoing discussions, future commissions, and project design/ development.


To progress the project, we need to:


Seek further work to gather evidence of the need and economic impact that could be achieved through the potential schemes and rank them in the order in which they could be delivered, based on this information. This work could potentially highlight a couple of quick-win interventions that could be delivered as mini schemes or opening initiatives to start the conversation and gain momentum for longer term improvements. This work will also support future funding bids and provide a base for formal consultation.


Informal consultation with the two key external stakeholders has been positive. Initial discussions suggest that the project strongly aligns with the main stakeholder's aspirations for the Town.



Please detail what specific costs the budget will be spent on?



To commission the next stage of development work to gather evidence of the need and economic benefit and impact, that could be achieved through the identified schemes and rank them in the order in which they could be delivered, based on this information.

Please describe the future project that this activity will help to unlock.



This work will provide evidence to support future funding bids and provide a base for formal consultation.


The main purpose of the Castlegate and Greenspace Regeneration Scheme is:


To deliver a programme of regeneration along Castlegate, to create an economically and socially vibrant area that creatively showcases the green spaces that lie beyond.


To enhance the green spaces into an accessible, active, multifunctional, and connected amenity, that is an integral part of the two towns and used as part of the wider town centre area. Increase health, leisure, and wellbeing opportunities through improved clean green spaces.


It is anticipated that a programme of regeneration / public realm improvements to Castlegate could include exploring the following potential actions:


·        Improved public realm and streetscape along Castlegate - shop and residential frontages, street furniture, pavement, artwork, lighting, seating, planting, signage, etc.


·        Restoration of original features of residential buildings and shop fronts


·        Malton already has a number of pieces of wall art – other gable ends of buildings ideas to help continue this could be identified.


·        Improved public safety and pedestrian experience.


It is anticipated that a programme of enhancements to the three green spaces could include exploring the following potential actions: 


·        Castle Gardens - the ‘Secret Garden’ of the three sites. Build on the work already started by a volunteer group to create an attractive, safe, venue for events and a haven for wildlife and biodiversity.


·        Improve Castlegate’s link into Castle Gardens and draw those on foot into the site.  It has the ability to help ‘green’ Castlegate and improve air quality.


·        Orchard Fields – has the potential to host events, as well as offer a welcoming green space for informal recreational and leisure use.


·        Footpaths and well-used routes linking Orchard Fields and Lady Spring Woods would benefit from improvement and a consistent, coherent approach to surfacing, steps, signage etc between all three sites.


·        Additional interpretation of the heritage of the area would be beneficial.


·        Introduction of focal points – viewpoints, sculptures, and seating


·        Improved gateway access points from Old Malton Road, Sheepfoot Hill, and Castlegate


·        Potential to have fitness and play facilities within the green spaces that are in keeping with the natural landscape.


·        Options to increase the area’s social contribution.


·        Branding and wayfinding to the green spaces throughout the towns


·        To progress the project, we aim to develop a formal engagement plan and set up a steering group including representatives from key external stakeholders.


·        Driven by community and stakeholder engagement, we will then look to seek funding for the creation of surveys, technical studies, detailed design work and a green space landscape masterplan.




Detail how the project will contribute to the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’ and the Economic Growth Strategy or the Destination Management Plan


(Reference should be made on how a future project will help deliver the respective strategies)



This project contributes to the economy, regeneration, tourism & transport objectives. It has clear linkages with the development of Town Master Plans for Malton and Norton and strong links to many of the ambitions and priorities set out in the Council Plan.


The programme of street regeneration and public realm enhancements will create a vibrant attractive place to live, visit and work. By creating a welcoming pedestrian-safe environment we will improve the connectivity between the two towns and encourage active travel. Both strands of proposed activity will support biodiversity and nature recovery as well as promote our local culture, heritage and tourism offer. The project supports economically sustainable growth that enables people and places to prosper while bringing communities and stakeholders together to improve the local area.


By improving the existing green spaces to be more usable, multifunctional, and accessible, we will increase the time people spend in them and encourage more people to use them, therefore, delivering on our aim to ensure people feel supported to have a good quality of life and enjoy active and healthy lifestyles.


By making the green spaces more accessible, through improved gateways and wayfinding, we will increase their connection to the town centre and wider community. This will support our aims to improve connectivity and maximise the potential of the natural assets and environment in North Yorkshire to improve physical and mental health.


It will create a more inclusive and active environment that makes it easier to move more and which prioritises opportunities for safe play, walking and cycling and improving wellbeing.



Detail how this project meets local priorities including linkages with local regeneration plans and strategies.

Informal consultation with the two key external stakeholders has been very positive. Initial discussions suggest that the project strongly aligns with the main stakeholder's aspirations for the Town.


The aims of the regeneration scheme align with the aims set out in the draft Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan.  


The Plan identifies the following aims and aspirations related to this scheme:


The protection and creation of open space, sports pitches, play areas, trees, parkland and gardens is in line with the Local Plan Strategy aspiration to increase awareness and use of strategic green spaces, including Lady Spring Wood, Orchard Field and Castle Gardens.


Orchard Field, as shown on the Neighbourhood Plan Proposals Map, presents an opportunity for the sympathetic development of visitor facilities in order to improve understanding of its historic importance and to enhance its recreational value. Such development will be supported.


To build upon local distinctiveness in order to enhance the visual quality and appearance of the towns.


Securing improvements to the public realm is important. This is in terms of ensuring new development can be integrated into the existing street scene in an appropriate manner, and also addressing current features which detract from the appearance of the towns. Improvements to the public realm are also expected to encourage a sense of local pride and attract more visitors by raising the quality of the built environment.


Development of health facilities, entertainment facilities, and other meeting places for the community to use.


Tourism and the heritage of our community, including the protection of important buildings, archaeological sites and other historic assets.


Development which would result in the enhancement of any designated Local Green Space or other protected green space, appropriate to its existing functions and qualities, including of its biodiversity, will be supported.


To protect and improve community services and facilities.




Will the service area be making a financial contribution to the project development costs?  If so, please detail.



No contributions are planned from the service area.  

Please confirm the amount of money required.


Please provide a breakdown of costs / estimates where available and how these have been calculated.







What is the staffing resource within NYC required / how will it be resourced?


Has the capacity to complete the activity been confirmed with the relevant service manager?


Dependencies on other NYC services


The commission will be managed by the Malton and Thirsk Regeneration Team.




Some initial guidance may be required from procurement services.

Please outline the anticipated timeframe for delivery of the activity?


Please include details of how the activity will be procured (if required).


An indicative programme is set out below:

·         Sept 2024          - AC Endorsement 

·         Oct 2024            - Confirm key outputs/outcomes –  

·         Oct 2024         - Obtain formal quotation.

·         Oct 2024            - Final Approval 

·         Nov 2024           - Commission work 

·         Nov 2024         - Study Commences 

·         Feb 2025         - Study Completed 


The work will involve commissioning via a direct award or 3 quote process. 


The consultants PWP, delivered the initial Castlegate and Greenspaces Study. They have specialist experience in delivering this type of scheme and we have established a strong working relationship with the team. They have the background knowledge and previously gathered analysis/information to support future investigations. They have delivered the work to a high standard and so we would ideally like to continue working with them on this next commission to ensure value for money, continuity, high quality work is delivered for the March 2025 deadline.

Can the proposed work to be funded delivered within the allocated financial year?



How will progress and the outcome of the project be reported to the ACC to aid effective monitoring?

The lead officer or a nominated representative will provide updates to the ACC meetings. 


What are the benefits of undertaking this work now?


What opportunities / estimated economic, social or environmental benefits could be derived for the future project outlined above?


This project would create an opportunity to enhance the area and its facilities.


This work will help to better understand the next steps, and impact that could be achieved through a programme of regeneration and provide a stronger evidence base for the project.


This work could potentially highlight a couple of quick-win interventions that could be delivered as mini schemes or opening initiatives to start the conversation and gain momentum for longer term improvements. This work could also support future funding bids and provide a base for formal consultation.


This regeneration scheme would deliver an increase in the cultural offer in the area. It will provide a safe, green and active leisure provision for residents and visitors and support delivery of improved health and wellbeing.


The scheme would improve placemaking, visitor experience, support heritage, improve quality of life, increase connectivity, inclusivity, accessibility, and the social and community value of the area.



ACC Meeting Date When Project Scope Agreed


Draft Minute Number



(ACC Chairman)






Using the details in the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Guidance Note please comment on how the proposed project meets the identified criteria for the Fund.


Project Name





Project Details



Strategic Fit



Local Fit






Delivery, Timescales and Monitoring






Evaluation Completed By





Job Title









NYC Area Constituency Committee


Project Name


Lead Officer


Requested Budget Allocated?

Yes / No








Job Title

